
SmartPlug TV/Phone/Internet Inlets | Marine Boat Accessories

SmartPlug Data Ports are the perfect complement to our stainless shore power inlets. It offers the same look and quality marine grade stainless steel components.

Weatherproof Seal – Seals against closed cell foam gasket in inlet lid

Ease of Use – Locks into the edge of the SmartPlug mounting flange

Easy to Install – Only requires 4 screws to mount

Mounting Gasket – Silicone gasket included / no messy caulk

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Tips for working from RV | Boat parts and Accessories

While working from an RV isn’t a new idea, it has become increasingly popular over the last year as workplaces were forced to go remote.

If you’re planning on working from the road, check out our tips to make the process a smooth one:

Get Organized: Do you have a designated desk space where you can set up? In order to be productive, you’ll want to ensure you have an area dedicated to your work. You’ll need room to sit comfortably, set up your computer, and a place with bright lighting where distractions will be minimal. Before diving in, set yourself up for success and create a space to help you accomplish your tasks.

Set Realistic Expectations: It’s important to be realistic of your bandwidth. If you will be on the road traveling, it’s likely you will be tired. On those days, be realistic and understand you won’t accomplish as much work as you’d like. Find a routine that works for your work schedule and plan ahead so that you can not only meet your expectations, but surpass them stress-free as well!

Ensure Your Electric Is Secure: Without electric, how will you be able to power your computer, phone and other work related accessories? To ensure your electrical connection is always secure, equip your RV with SmartPlug. No matter where your adventure takes you, SmartPlug will provide a safe, weatherproof connection so you can get your work done.

Set Up A Reliable WiFi Connection: Out on the road it may be difficult to find a reliable Wi-Fi connection. In order to stay connected with your work, think ahead and put a dependable Wi-Fi connection in place. Consider a router you can keep on your RV or maybe even a portable MiFi set up. Either one will keep you connected to your work!

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Prepare Your Boat for Spring Boating Season | Boat accessories

With Spring finally here, it’s time for many boaters to hit the water!

As you take your boat out of winter storage, be sure to follow our tips for preparing your boat for a safe season ahead:

  1. Check belts, cables, and hoses as they can become brittle and may crack during winter storage.
  2. Inspect the fuel system for leaks or damage including fuel hoses, connections and tank surfaces.
  3. Inspect your electrical connections to ensure they are secure with no signs of corrosion or overheating. Is your connection showing signs of damage? Upgrade to SmartPlug and never worry again.
  4. Check all fluid levels including engine oil, power steering, power trim reservoirs, and coolant.
  5. Inspect propellers for dings, pitting, cracks and distortion. Take the time now for repairs and replacements to avoid running into issues out on the water.
  6. Check the hull for blisters, distortions, and cracks and address as needed.
  7. Inspect the battery and connection.
  8. Check all helm switches to be sure they are operational.
  9. Ensure all lights are in working order.
  10. Replace the batteries on all smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.
  11. Check fire extinguishers to make sure they are not expired and double check you have a full first aid kit.
  12. Check all cleats, rail fittings, and deck fittings to ensure they are tight and secure.
  13. Inspect personal flotation devices to ensure they are in good condition.

Don’t leave your safety to chance! Before you head out this season, we hope you’ll take the proper steps to ensure a safe boating season.

To learn more about traveling safely, check out our website.

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Smartplug Combo Kit | Electrical Equipment | RV Extension cords

The SmartPlug Combo Kit includes a SmartPlug Inlet and Connector offers superior performance and ease of use.

Eliminates Overheating – Increased pin & clip surface area greatly improves electrical conductivity during high amperage demand.

Ease of Use – No twist required, the unique plug body shape and push-in design means it only goes in the right way every time-even in  the dark!

Multi-Point Locking System – Side clips lock the plug securely into the inlet which eliminates any stress on the pins from movement of the power cord.
Weatherproof Seals

 – Multi-fin silicone gaskets installed in the inlet cover and interior of the plug body eliminates moisture penetration.

Quick & Easy Installation – Inlet mounting flange holes match twist-type holes for an installation that is typically finished in 30 minutes.

Get More Info : RV Extension Cords

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Website : https://smartplug.com/


Top Tip for Winterizing your Boat in 2020 | Boat And RV Accessories

With Fall in full swing, sadly that means many boaters across the country will soon need to prepare your boat for winter storage. At SmartPlug, we are all about safety. We believe taking the extra steps now will ensure an easier, stress free launch in the spring time.

Here are our top tips for winterizing your boat:

Caring for your Engine

Without an engine, your boat can’t run! It is critical to care for your engine now so it remains protected during the winter. For inboard engines: an oil change is key, as is flushing the engine with non-toxic antifreeze. For outboard engines: treat your fuel tank with fuel stabilizer, flush the engine with fresh water, and lightly lubricate the exterior.

Get More Info : Boat and RV Accessories

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Website : https://smartplug.com/